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Review: Nightstruck by Jenna Black

Nightstruck by Jenna Black

During the day the city of Philadelphia is like any other, but as soon as the sun goes down the city is transformed into a living nightmare -- literally. Street potholes grow teeth and chomp the unsuspecting vehicles that drive over them, streetlamps are made from bone rather than metal and the streets are ravaged by those who have been "Nightstruck". The Nightstruck disappear during the day and then roam the street every night causing destruction - they used to be regular people, but now they seem possessed.

Becket is the police commissioners daughter and her best friend is one of the Nightstruck. Each night she comes back to taunt Becket out into the night and each night, with the boy next door by her side, she says no. But there is only so much a person a take, Becket feels like she can't risk the lives of the few people she has left so she is left with a choice: Leave the lives of those she loves to chance and fate or step up and do the one thing she knows will keep them all safe - the one thing she can't bear to do - kill her best friend.

Fans of the paranormal will bask in the horror of the city's nightly transformation. Readers will root for Becket while she tries to hold to her ideals, just as they will feel her pain for her many loses. Highly recommended!

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